Within your GoSearch workspace, there is the ability to verify or deprecate a GoSearch result. This verification or deprecation can be requested by anyone, but can only be completed by a workspace admin. If you believe you should have access to verify or deprecate a resource, please reach out to an existing admin within your workspace to receive the permissions.
What does it mean to verify a resource?
To verify a resource is to declare it as a reliable resource within your workspace. Once a resource has been verified, it will be more likely to appear higher within your related workspace search results.
What does it mean to deprecate a resource?
Deprecation of a resource can come in handy if there is an old resource that was appearing near the top of your search results. Deprecation helps to hide old, unreliable, or unrelated resources. Once a resource has been deprecated, it will no longer appear in your GoSearch results. If you mistakenly deprecate a resource, you can easily revert it back to normal within the GoSearch verification menu.
How to Verify/Deprecate resources
Within your GoSearch workspace, you will see a “verification” section within the left column of your GoSearch dashboard. Clicking on this will take you to the verification page. On this verification page, you can see all the pending requests. Next to each request you will see either a green verify, or a red deprecate. Clicking on this red or green option will then process the verification or the deprecation.